Welcome to roleplay breakdown~!
We have different forms of writing in our server that you can take part with at anytime. This breakdown is to help explain each method and hopefully make it much easier for you when navigating the server. As always, if there is something that doesn't make sense to you don't hesitate to reach out to your admin team. That is what we're here for. :)


Inbox roleplay is going to explain how to utilize your "Telecharm" — and how to send messages in your inbox. It will also further explain the use of public chat, voice chat telepathic link.


Chapter roleplay will break down the main mechanics of role-playing in our server. It will also break down specific categories such as past / side roleplays.


Informal roleplay will be better explained here to let you understand how you use it and how much of that content can be utilized for your character's growth. It will distinguish the difference between "crack" and "informal" roleplay.


In DEJA VU, we have a phone that all characters have in their possession called the, "Telecharm". The Telecharm allows you to emply it like a normal 'smart' phone device; there is nothing overly special about it as it reflects modernized technology. Every character will have their own "INBOX" that they can use to send and receive messages. You may even go into someone else inbox that you intend to send a message to send it that way.Public chat is essentially a public group chat for all citizens of Belfiore to use. At any point, you can type out a message as your character in request for immediate information or casual conversation. If you don't feel that your character has many friends or connections — this is the best way to instigate that ! Voice chat works in the same way, but instead it's a microphone device on your phone where you can verbally speak with people. It's best to understand the difference between the two. Public chat is typing and text based where voice chat is exactly that — voice based. You're not going to utilize emojis in a voice chat since it's more about being heard than seen.Along with that, there is also Telepathic Link which is reserved for characters with the ability to use telepathic communication. If your character is not telepathic, but you're being reached by a character that is — you can reply. You just can't instigate a conversation if your character isn't naturally gifted to do so. And by naturally gifted, it's something that your character has in 'canon', not something you decided to add.If you want to know which character belongs to which muse, you can check CONTACT LOG. It's not mandatory, but highly recommended. It's where you can list a photo of your character along with 'your' inbox for easy access; however, you may check the muse box for each character too. We understand it may be difficult when you're newer to confirm which character belongs to which, but there are multi-methods to verify this. If you're still unsure, there is no harm in @ing an admin to confirm."Com Wall" is to be utilized for status updates. It can be your current state of activity, but it can be used like your facebook feed. You can post photos, quotes and comments. Whichever you would like. If you started a new relationship, you can update it on your com wall. This is to be used as your status feed to alert changes that periodically change in your character's life.Anything that has to do with your Telecharm interactions can be used at any time of the story. These are interactions you can have even if you have reoccurring stories going elsewhere. Just remain true to your timeline.


Our server works on a "Chapter System". Some roleplay servers may work on threads where the same character can be in multiple locations with different characters, but that's not the case here. The story follows your character's journey like it would with reading a book. Everything that happens to your character here will continue to happen in 'real time' to the story. Now we understand that the pacing for some writers may not always reflect the speed of their partners and you may be 'itching' to have more additional role-plays going on then you can use the "PAST" and "SIDE" roleplay section.When it comes to activity, we follow your character's interactions in the main channel — we won't count your interactions in past and side roleplay for your activity check. It can be considered if someone roleplay locks you, but in those cases we encourage you to break the scene if it does cause issues with your activity in the server, but review the rules to make sure when you can break a scene. We do give several methods of writing to hopefully engage our members. This will be better explained in informal roleplay if you're looking for a way to preoccupy your time when you're bored.For courtesy purposes — if you see a channel already in use, we ask to not interrupt the scene or join it without permission. If you really want to use that channel you may make a "thread" there so it doesn't cause any conflicts with the current story in use.Every once in awhile, the server will announce "QUESTS" that you can send one of your characters on. With how chaotic the story may get, these quests may intertwine with the main story and sometimes be filler stories. You can join them even if your character is already in their 'main' chapter thread, but quests usually demand consistent activity. If you're slower, you can be left behind.


Informal role-play relates to the "GUILD AREA". In our server, we have areas that we refer to as informal roleplay. This can't be confused with "crack roleplay". We do have a small channel for crack roleplay, but that is open to be used for randomize banter that has nothing to do with the server. In the guild area of our server, you'll find the channels for each guild along with various locations, such as — guild square, oceanside, night life, town life, housing, eateries and fields. This is where you can have general roleplays that are geared for more 'quick' interactions, character growth and bonding. You don't have to be in a Guild to interact here as this area is a free-for-all.We don't always see the characters reactions to everyday life or how they're dealing with certain circumstances in the world. Since in the main roleplay we require your character not to be posted in multiple locations, your interactions with other characters could be limited. We allow you to use this set up to meet, greet and bond with your guild. (We do have other methods for meeting with other characters further explained in Chapter/Main Story Roleplay).In many ways, this can be seen as crack roleplay — but we actually allow these interactions to be seen as canon to the storyline, but there isn't any requirements to length as this can be one-line interactions. We don't want important aspects of the story to be lost in banter so don't depend on this area. This could cause confusion with members later down the line and we prefer to have everything as straight forward as possible. Any major story discoveries will be announced in story events to alert writers of the server so they're aware of these circumstances.We don't allow you to interact in a GUILD that your character is not in. We don't need confusion with other characters coming in and out that don't belong there. That's what the additional outside channels are for. Once you've applied and been accepted, you'll be given the correct roles.Informal roleplay can occur at any point of your timeline. The only time it may be on hold is for major events that may pull you from the Guild, but in those cases all writers will be notified.